

e-commerce software

  App Documentation

(The documentation is being written)

Here you will find useful information for the installation and configuration of Placido-Shop.
See the menu button below.

  How to install Placido-Shop

To install Placido-Shop we recommend that you use the software's auto-installer.
However, it is possible to install it without going through the auto-installer,
the two procedures are described below.

  See in this page :
How to install Placido-Shop with the auto-installer
How to install Placido-Shop in video
How to install Placido-Shop manually

  Required :

To install Placido-Shop you must first ensure that you have :
- A domain name, eg. :
- A server (hosting) to which you have access
- PHP version >= 7.5
- An SSL certificate to use the https protocol
- A MySQL database
- Sufficient memory space on your hosting ( this will depend mainly on the number of your product images ).

  To install Placido-Shop with the auto-installer :

Make sure you have the following :
- Two images, one for your logo and one for your social networks.
- A mailbox dedicated to your application with the outgoing mail server (SMTP) information linked to this account.

Then follow the next steps :

1 - Download the latest version of Placido-Shop.

2 - Unzip it.

3 - Copy all unzipped files and folders to the root of your server (hosting).
  Note : With some hosts you will have to copy them into the "public_html" folder.

4 - Create a database, keep the connection informations to it such as:
- The host of the database (generally "localhost" for shared hosting)
- The name of the database
- The name of the database user
- The database password

  Make sure the database has no tables, that it is empty.
  Choose long names and passwords of at least 16 characters,
this is very important for the security of your site.

5 - Connect to your site using the following address :, simply add "/INSTALL" after your domain name,
you will then access the installation interface of your store.

6 - Fill in all the fields you can edit all information entered here from your management interface BUT not on the configuration of the database.
  Note : These settings are however accessible in the code of the "API/config.php" file.

7 - Validate and you will be redirected to your management interface,
you can start registering your products,
your installation was successful !

  You access your management interface by adding "/[your administration folder]" to the address of your site.

You can change the name of the administration folder whenever you want,
we advise you not to use the "ADMIN" folder name present during installation.

  Note : If you still see the "INSTALL" folder at the root of your site, delete it.

  See how to install Placido-Shop in video :

  To install Placido-Shop without the auto-installer :

Make sure you have the following :
- Two images, one for your logo and one for your social networks.
- A mailbox dedicated to your application with the outgoing mail server (SMTP) information linked to this account.

1 - Download the latest version of Placido-Shop.

2 - Unzip it.

3 - Copy all unzipped files and folders to the root of your server (hosting).
  Note : With some hosts you will have to copy them into the "public_html" folder.

4 - Import the application tables into the database :
Use the "placido-tables.sql" source file found in the "INSTALL/placido-tables.sql" folder.

5 - Open the "API/config.php" file
Enter the database and application mailbox login information.
Enter two very long strings for the SEC_API_KEY constants and SEC_API_IV
(at least 32 characters)
  Never modify these two character strings again,
they are used for the application's internal encryption system, you would lose data irretrievably !

6 - Open the "API/api.json" file
Replace the value of "HOST" with the domain name that runs the program, for example:
"HOST" : ""
  Be careful json format does not accept comments in its code.
You can automatically modify the other values ​​from your management interface,
do not touch them.

7 - Connect to the administration of your site by the following address, for example:
add "/ADMIN" to the end of your website address.

- Use the following logins :
Email :
Password : 123

8 - Go to "Settings" then to, "Change your access codes"
- Modify your access codes.

Still in "Settings", deploy "Application Settings"
- Change the data to the correct data for your online store.

9 - Edit your store data
Go to "Your store" and modify the data by your store data, don't forget to save.
  When you make changes, don't forget to clear your browser's cache.

  Note : Delete the "INSTALL" folder present at the root of your site.

You have successfully installed Placido-Shop !