App Documentation
(The documentation is being written) Here you will find useful information for the installation and configuration of Placido-Shop.
See the menu button below.
Features of management of the application
Placido-Shoop features a feature-rich management interface.
Everything has been done to make these features simple and intuitive.
Managing an online store has never been easier!
Let's detail the features of your management interface :
See in this page :
Connection to your management interface
The home page ( See in video )
New sales ( See in video )
Your products ( See in video )
Slideshow ( See in video )
Add a product ( See in video )
Categories ( See in video )
Static pages ( See in video )
Your store ( See in video )
Messages ( See in video )
Website statistics ( See in video )
Archived sales ( See in video )
Settings ( See in video )
Web application ( See in video )
IP rejected ( See in video )
Update ( See in video )
See the site
Connection to your management interface :
To log in to your management interface, you just need to enter /[your_admin_folder] at the address of your site,
for example : if you chose the name "My_Admin" for your site's administration folder during installation.
Note: By default the name of the administration folder is : "ADMIN",
do not keep this folder name, it would be too easy to access the login page of your management.
You only have 5 attempts to connect to your management interface.
We recommend that you use the "Forgot password" link if you have forgotten your password.
Beyond 5 attempts, you would be blocked by the application.
However, if you find yourself blocked without access to your administration, you can unblock yourself by doing the following actions :
- 1/ Go to your login page.
Remove cookies from your browser related to this page.
- 2/ Open your database and delete the entry that includes your IP address in the ip_rejected table.
- 3/ Refresh your login page and click on "Forgot password", you will then receive a new password by e-mail.
Always use the "Log out" menu button to log out of your management interface,
this is important for the security of the application.
The home page of your management interface : ( See in video )
On the home page of your management, you have a menu on the left to navigate through the different pages.
In the header you will find 4 colored rectangles,
which identify :
- The number of your new sales. (clickable)
- The total amount of these new sales.
- The number of your new messages. (clickable)
- The number of visitors of the day. (clickable)
Clicking on the number of new sales updates the list of new sales made.
Clicking on the number of messages checks if you have new messages during the session.
Clicking on the number of your daily visitors displays the "Statistics" page.
In the center of the page, you will find the list of your new sales.
New sales
The list of your new sales is accessible from the home page.
From this list, you can either deploy a sale, to display its details, or delete this sale.
Let's deploy a new sale, you now see the details of the sale such as :
- The customer's billing address,
- The delivery address if different from that of the invoice,
- The contact details of the customer, telephone, e-mail,
(You can print the customer's address by clicking on the button that has a printer logo next to the address.)
- A clickable link "Contact by e-mail" which allows you to send an e-mail to your customer, to give him a tracking number, for example, or other.
- The detail of the sale, its status (paid/unpaid),
- A "Send invoice by e-mail" checkbox,
- A "Send an e-mail confirmation of processing" checkbox,
- A button "Validate the treatment and archive"
Once you have prepared your order, click on "Validate the treatment and archive", this will archive the order.
To learn more about the archives, see : Your archives.
If you check the "Send an e-mail confirmation of processing" box,
the application will send an automatic message that will notify your customer that you have processed his order.
Note: The translation key for this text can be found in
/[your_admin_folder]/translate/[lang].txt > order_processed_comm_txt
If you check the "Send invoice by email" box,
the application will send an invoice by email to your customer.
Note: Dematerialized invoices save paper, choose this option as much as possible.
Remember to set the official address of the issuer of the invoices as well as the legal notices of the invoices from the "Your store" tab.
You can print an invoice once the sale has been archived, from the "Archives" tab.
You will surely find unpaid sales.
Indeed, the application registers the customer directly when he asks to pay,
if a customer does not cancel his sale correctly,
if a loss of network occurs,
or if you allow your customers to pay for their purchases by other means payments,
the sale will be recorded but will be marked as "Unpaid".
At this time, either you have only activated payment by credit card and it is a failed sale, not correctly canceled, delete it.
Warning ! Wait a few minutes all the same and refresh your home page before deleting an unpaid event because the payment system is asynchronous, payment validation can take a few seconds or even several minutes.
Either you have activated the "Other means of payment" option, then you must wait to receive payment for your sale before archiving it.
Your products : ( See in video )
In this tab you will find all the products you have added to your store.
You have a powerful search system, by date added, text, quantity, category, online/offline to find your products.
By clicking on the "Open / Edit" button, you can modify or delete a product.
Note: The number of products displayed in your management is set in the "Settings" tab.
Slideshow : ( See in video )
Here you can adjust your slideshow, this tab has 3 parts :
- Slideshow settings
Here you set values like :
- Display or not the slideshow.
- Set scroll mode, automatic or manual.
- The pause time between each image. (if auto scrolling)
- The duration of the transition between each image. (if auto scrolling)
Don't forget to save your settings !
- The current slideshow
This part displays a rendering of the images of the slideshow.
Here you can classify the order of your images or delete some.
Don't forget to save your slideshow !
- A product selector
Here you have the list of all your products,
you can click on them to add them to the slideshow.
Note: The images of the products added to the slideshow are the presentation images of your products.
Add a product : ( See in video )
This tab allows you to add a product.
Adding a product is very easy with Placido-Shop !
Let's go through the elements to set :
- Select a category.
- Choose to put your product online or offline.
- Set a title.
- Enter a reference ( Optional, enter here for example what a scanner would read from a barcode, a trade code, etc ... ).
- Enter a description for your product.
- Set the price, you can choose to apply a tax to the product.
- Set the quantity of the product you have in stock.
- Add at least one image or more,
there is no maximum, but we advise you not to exceed ten images per product.
Note: You can select multiple images at once.
You can also take a photo directly from your smartphone.
Accepted image formats are :
GIF (non-animated), PNG, JPG and WEBP
Once you have filled in all the fields correctly, click on "Save" to save your product.
Note: This step can take a little time, it mainly depends on the number of images to be processed.
Placido-Shop rewrites your product images by reducing their size.
For each image there will be created two versions,
a small and a large one, depending on the context or the user's device,
the application will display the small version or the large one.
This saves a lot of data, for your user and for the environment.
Keep in mind that Placido-Shop was designed to be as environmentally friendly as possible.
About your products
We are going to give you some tips that you probably don't follow but who are the the basics of your success in e-commerce :
1/ Enter high quality product images (have your photos taken by a professional) and ALL IN THE SAME FORMAT !
- Choose a format, landscape, portrait, 16/9, whatever you like, BUT ALWAYS KEEP THE SAME FORMAT.
Our advice : Take all your photos with a square format, so that's no problem.
2/ Be clear and use common terms in the title and description of your products.
Feel free to give details about your products.
Categories : ( See in video )
In this tab you will be able to manage the categories of your store.
It consists of two parts :
- Create a category
Here you can create a new category, enter the category title,
then click on "Save", your new category will appear after the level 1 categories, in the "Edit your categories" section.
- Edit your categories
Here you will find a button that allows you to expand all categories and subcategories.
This allows you to display the tree structure of all your categories.
Below, you will find the list of your nested categories and subcategories.
The list displays level 1 categories,
click on a category to expand it and so on.
Each category has 3 buttons :
- Move
- Edit
- Delete
The move button :
Click "move" to move a category.
You can now see all categories with 4 buttons,
these buttons allow you to move the selected category "Before", "After", "Inside" any other category.
Note: If this category contains subcategories, they will also be moved according to your choice.
Be aware You can modify the architecture of your categories at any time and create categories and sub-categories ad infinitum (but does infinity exist?).
The edit button :
Click here to edit a category title.
The title of the category then appears in the top field and you are prompted to modify the category,
modify it and click on "Save".
Click "Empty" to abandon the modification.
The delete button :
Click on the "Delete" button to delete a category.
A message will ask you to confirm the deletion of your category.
Please note that there is no going back.
If you delete a category and products have been assigned to this category,
they will have an empty category, you will have to assign another one to them.
Static pages : ( See in video )
Static pages are pages whose content changes little or not over time.
Here you will be able to create additional pages for your store.
For example : You will need a "General conditions of sale" and "Legal notices" page,
but you can add any other type of content (information on your activity, blog, etc ...).
When you create a static page, it creates a page template in the "templates" folder like :
You cannot (yet) edit this page from your management interface,
you must edit it with a code editor.
If you don't know how to do this, hire a web developer, he will know how to do it, keep in mind that these pages will change little or not over time.
To create a static page, click on "Add a new page", this deploys a form.
- Enter a title for your page.
- Enter a URL for your page, do not use accents or special characters, spaces will be replaced by dashes.
- Click on "Save" to save your page.
It now appears in the list of your static pages.
In the header of the html page created, you will find, in commented code, instructions for integrating a button or a link that leads to your page.
The static pages of your site are directly accessible by URL, you can share their link.
When you create, edit, or delete a static page, your site's sitemap.xml file is updated based on those actions.
The sitemap.xml file of your site is used by search engines to better understand your site and to reference its pages.
Your store : ( See in video )
In this tab you will be able to adjust data related to your store.
- Store mode :
Choose between "Online sale" or "Catalog" if you want to use the application without prices and without purchases.
- Address of the head office or store :
Enter the address of your head office or store here.
- A phone number : (optional)
Enter your hotline number !
- The official name of your company AND the address of the registered office.
This will be indicated on all invoices.
- The legal notices of your invoices.
This will be added to the bottom of all your invoices.
- Click on the "Add a logo or an image" button to add or modify your logo.
Your logo will be visible on the site as well as on invoices.
As for the images produced, it is rewritten and minimized by the program.
You will find your logo in the "img/Logos" folder, named like that :
Accepted image formats are :
GIF (non-animated), PNG, JPG and WEBP
Don't forget to click "Save" to save your changes.
Messages : ( See in video )
In this tab you will find the messages sent to you by your visitors from the public interface of the site.
Even if at the same time, when a user contacts you from the site, you must receive it by e-mail,
if your mailbox malfunctions or other, you will still have a rendering of the messages here.
For each messages :
- You are informed of the status of the message (Read/unread).
When you click "View", an unread message will be marked as read.
- You have a "Reply" button which allows you to reply to your contact by e-mail.
- By clicking on "Delete", you can delete a message by validating the confirmation message.
Note: When you send a message from your management interface,
your contact receives the public email that you configured from
"Settings" > "Application settings" > "Contact e-mail".
It is to this e-mail that he will be able to answer you.
Only messages sent from the "contact" page of your site are displayed in the "Messages" tab.
We encourage you to use this email because when you reply to your users from this page,
the application will send emails in your company colors, with your logo and the date.
You can customize the emails that are sent by the app.
The app's email templates are :
- The contact email you will receive :
- The order reminder email (you and customer) :
- The e-mail of the invoices :
- The e-mail reply to your messages :
Be careful, if you modify these templates, be sure to exclude them from the update from the
"Update" > "Customize update" tab.
Enter the full file path, for example, to exclude the "just_comm_mail.html" template from updates :
Website statistics : ( See in video )
Statistics are one of the most interesting features of Placido-Shop.
Note: If you haven't already done so, create a free account on the website to get your token.
This will allow you to receive statistics on the geolocation of your visitors.
This procedure is detailed here : How to receive geolocation data.
In the absence of an ipinfo token, only the visitor's country will be known, but this will depend on the language used by their browser.
On the statistics page, you will first find a button "Register your token ipinfo".
This button opens a form that allows you to register your ipinfo token.
Your token is stored encrypted in your site's database.
If you register an empty field, you erase your token and you will not send or receive any more data from ipinfo.
Enter your ipinfo token and click "Save" to save.
When an ipinfo token is present, the application collects geolocation data from your visitors based on their IP address.
(This is only what is transmitted to ipinfo).
You will then have information on :
- The city
- The region
- The country
- The geographic area of your visitors.
On the statistics interface, you will find :
- On the left,
four buttons which display 4 types of data :
1/ The geolocation of your visitors.
2/ The number of visitors.
3/ The products seen.
4/ The products placed in the basket/purchased.
- In the center, 4 buttons :
1/ Forward button.
2/ Choice of period to cover (day, week, month, year).
3/ Go next button.
4/ "Reset" button, which takes you back to today's date.
- On the right, 3 buttons to choose the types of graphs to display :
1/ Doughnut.
2/ Line.
3/ Bars.
Note: Some chart types are not consistent with some data.
If you click on an inappropriate chart type, a more appropriate default chart type will be automatically chosen by the application.
Each type of data is searchable by day, week, month, year and can potentially be displayed in three forms of graph, donut, line or bar.
Archived sales : ( See in video )
In this tab find all your archived sales.
You have a powerful search engine to navigate through your archives, search by date, invoice number or customer name.
When the page opens, the application displays a list of the latest archives.
At the bottom of the list you will find a button "Load more archives" to load more archives in the list.
By clicking on the "Show" button, you display the details of the archive.
Let's go through them :
- The "Customer" block summarizes the information of the customer who has been invoiced.
- The "Different delivery address" block, if this address is present.
- A button "Send an e-mail to the customer" allows you to send a message to your customer.
-A "Display/Print invoice" button allows you to display the dematerialized invoice and print it.
Note: The logo is not printed on the invoice to save ink.
- A "Return the invoice" button to automatically send a dematerialized invoice to the client.
- A table that lists the products purchased during the sale.
Note: It is possible to archive an unpaid sale,
in this case you can change its status to "Paid" by checking the box.
- A "Payment reference" block with "ID_card" which corresponds to the payment ID issued by Stripe and "ID_payment" which is a hash linked to the customer.
Note: Customers have access to their order data for up to one month after their order is archived.
- A "Make a credit note" button which allows you to make a credit note on the invoice,
the credit notes are made by product, the prices are recalculated.
Warning ! - Making a credit note from your management interface does not actually reimburse your customer.
This feature is present for archival purposes only.
To refund a customer, you must do so from your Stripe account or from your bank account.
Settings : ( See in video )
The settings tab has a staircase menu,
here you will be able to adjust a lot of things,
let's go through them :
- Change your access codes
This pane reveals a form where you can modify your access logins to your management interface,
the name of the administrator is only used for the management interface.
Note: For the moment Placido-Shop is not multi-user, but that is in our boxes.
- Placido-Shop token
We ask you to pay a license of $/5/€ minimum per year for each domain name where you will use Placido-Shop in production.
This small annual contribution, we hope, will allow us to continue to develop the application.
If you do not already have a license for this domain name, create a free account on Placido-Shop.
For more information see :
Why do I need to acquire a license to use Placido-Shop on a production site ?
From your account, you can buy a license for each domain name where you use the application.
On the form of this license you will find your Placido-Shop token which is a character string.
Copy/paste this character string in the fields provided for this purpose and click on "Register your token".
This allows us to know who is up to date and which version is used,
so we could contact you in the event of a security problem on the application or to notify you of an important update to be made.
This information will be returned to you from your user account on the Placido-Shop website.
We do not collect information other than :
1/ Your Placido-Shop token if you have one.
2/ The domain name where you use Placido-Shop.
3/ The version of the application you are using.
Only when you :
1/ Check for updates.
2/ You update your application.
3/ You update a translation file.
- Enter your Stripe keys
Here you have two pairs of forms for between your Stripe keys (string).
- One to enter your (pairs of) test keys.
- One to enter your (pairs of) production keys.
The procedure for obtaining your Stripe keys (test and production) is detailed here :
How to test and receive credit card payments
We advise you to do payment tests before going into production mode.
Your tests will be erased when you switch to production mode, the procedure is described below.
You can enter both test keys and production keys, production keys will take precedence.
Storing empty fields clears the keys.
Your keys are stored encrypted in your database.
- Methods of payment
You have the possibility to authorize the purchase of your products by other means of payment
e.g.: Cash, bank transfer, bank check.
If you activate this function, users will be able to buy your products and pay later.
Note: The same user can only make 10 different purchases per day on the application.
Check the box that suits you and click on "Save" to confirm your choice.
- Website compression
Compressing the website consists of compressing the CSS and JavaScript code of your application.
If you perform a compression and you choose to use the compressed version,
your site will load fewer files during its initialization and the loaded code will be lighter.
Note: If you wish to make modifications to the program, use the uncompressed version of the site.
Once you have made your changes, perform a new compression to take your changes into account.
Note: There is no point in re-compressing the site after adding products or making settings,
this is only useful if you modify CSS or javaScript files.
By default the application is delivered in uncompressed mode.
If you want to add libraries to the compression, follow these steps :
1/ Open the templates/BASE/base.html file.
2/ Add the path of your style file between the square brackets ex:
<!-- {^website.css_compressed} --> <!-- ... --> <link rel="stylesheet" href="CSS/apps/toastr.min.css" rel="preload" as="style" /> <!-- {/website.css_compressed} -->
3/ Add the path of your javaScript file, at the very bottom of the base.html file, between square brackets ex:
<!-- { ^ website.js_compressed } --> <!-- ... --> <script src="JS/apps/toastr.min.js" defer></script> <!-- { / website.js_compressed } -->
4/ Open the API/files_to_compress.php file.
5/ Add the path of your files to compress,
for CSS, in the table :
const CSS_RESOURCES_TO_COMPRESS = [ /* ... */ ROOT.'/CSS/apps/toastr.min.css', ];
For javaScript, in the table :
const JS_RESSOURCES_TO_COMPRESS = [ /* ... */ ROOT.'/JS/apps/toastr.min.js', ];
Important ! - If you add data to the API/files_to_compress.php file,
remember to exclude it from updates.
To do this, go to the "Update > Customize update" tab,
enter API/files_to_compress.php in the field and click on the "Do not update this file/folder" button.
These files will then be taken into account during the compression.
Note: Nothing prevents you from adding your files directly in the BASE/base.html template,
just add them outside the { ... }
- Application settings
Here you can set important information for your application.
Domain name :
Enter your domain name in this field without https:// or www. in front eg. :
Note: You can enter a subdomain like :
but enter the exact domain name where the application is running, otherwise the application will not work.
Website title :
Enter the title of your site here.
The title of your site is rendered on the public part of your store, on your invoices and on the header of e-mails.
Site description :
Enter a brief description of your store here, we recommend using a maximum of 300 characters.
Note: This text will be rendered partially by search engines under the title of your site, but be aware that it is the search engines that ultimately decide what text is displayed.
Describe your store naturally while trying to place terms here that people might search for to find your site.
Social network picture :
Click this button to add an image representing your shop to be returned to social networks.
When you paste a link to your store, this image will be displayed on the social networks.
Below you can set the size of the image as it will be rewritten by the application,
you can change the size from 600 to 1200 pixels.
Contact email :
Enter an email.
This email will be attached to your correspondence with your users.
We advise you not to use the same e-mail you use to log in to your management interface because it must remain confidential as much as possible.
Security token duration :
When you log in to your management interface, your actions are secured by a token.
Here you set the duration of this token in seconds.
We advise you to choose a duration between 3600 and 7200 seconds.
You will have this time to carry out your administration actions,
beyond this duration, you will be disconnected from the administration interface.
All you have to do is log in again to initiate a new session.
Important !
Use the "Log out" button to disconnect from your management interface, this revokes the token immediately.
Number of articles per page for the frontend :
Set here the number of articles per page you want to display to your visitors.
Number of articles per page for the administration interface :
Define here the number of articles per page that you want to display in your management interface, for the "Your products" tab, for example.
Truncate short texts :
Set the number of characters after which you want to truncate the product description rendered in the featured product slideshow.
Show products :
You can choose a default display mode for product thumbnails on your site :
- In mosaic.
- Online.
Minimum and maximum image sizes :
Two versions of your product images are saved, one large and one small.
This improves the loading time of your pages and saves the volume of data to be processed.
It's also more eco-friendly !
Enter a number here to define the widths of the images in pixels.
Language settings :
This selector allows you to choose a language associated with a currency.
This parameter is used to adjust the display for dates, prices and figures according to a language.
Set this parameter to match your business location.
Time zone area :
Define your geographical area,
this is important and serves the program.
Interface translation - Public part/Private part :
The text parts of the application, button titles, error messages, success messages, etc... Are translatable by the application.
You can define a different language for your management interface and for the public part of your site.
The languages listed here are the languages delivered by default.
Translations to download for free are present on the Downloads page of the site
or from the "Update" tab of your management interface, click on "Check for update" to display the available translations.
You can add your own translations to Placido-Shop, the procedure is detailed here :
How to translate Placido-Shop interfaces
Site administration folder :
Enter a name for your management interface folder here.
This is the string of characters that you will enter after your domain name to access the login page of your management interface.
If your domain name is "" and you enter ex: "My-Management" in this field,
then you can connect to your management interface by entering : as the address in your browser.
Important ! We strongly recommend that you do not keep the "ADMIN" name present during installation.
If you have renamed your management interface folder "My-Management",
then you will see at the root of your website a folder named "My-Management" which will contain all the program code related to your management interface.
You can change the name of your management interface at any time.
After making your settings :
Don't forget to click "Save" to save your changes.
- Application mailbox
We advise you to use a mailbox that will serve as a tool for the application to send e-mails.
It will only be used for that.
Note: If you find it tedious to create several mailboxes,
use your public mailbox BUT NOT that of your login email.
Find information about the SMTP server in the menus of your mailbox and complete all the fields.
Click "Save" to save your informations.
Test your site's email (or place an order in test mode) to check that the mailbox sends emails from the application.
Note: The connection identifiers of your mailbox will be saved in an encrypted manner in your database.
- Switch to production mode
This function allows you to do as many tests as you want with your application and then clean everything up before going into production mode.
By clicking on the "Switch to production mode" button, the following elements will be deleted from your database :
- All new sales.
- All records.
- All statistics already recorded.
Please note that this action is irreversible.
Your settings, products already entered, your categories, featured products, and etc ... will be preserved.
Web application : ( See in video )
Progressive Web Apps (P.W.A.) are a new JavaScript technology.
This technology makes it possible to "transform" a web application into a real application for your smartphone or computer.
We have integrated this functionality into Placido-Shop.
The advantage is that your users will have an icon on their desktop or their applications screen which will allow them to access your store directly.
The only difference with the "browser" version of your site is that it will run in a simplified window.
The fields to fill in are basically the same to create a PWA for your users and your management interface.
Let’s detail the fields to fill in :
Short name of the application :
Set here a short name for your application ex. "My Shop"
Name of the application :
Set here a name for your application ex. "My shop of wonders"
Short description of the application :
Briefly describe your store here.
eg. "In my wonderful shop you can find anything"
General color of the application theme :
Set the background color of your app icon.
This is mainly useful for transparent images.
Background color of the application :
Set the app background color.
This color is used for the splash screens for mobile devices.
To choose a color, click on the field that has a color code that begins with "#".
Application rendering mode :
You can choose between three display modes :
- Full screen, will show your app in full screen.
- Standalone, will display the application as a native application.
- Minimal-UI, will display your app in a minimal window.
Note : Your app's render window may vary depending on your device.
We're setting guidelines here, but it's the type of device and operating system that will determine how your PWA will ultimately render.
Entry point of the application :
In this field define where is the entry point of the web application.
Set with " / " for public web application.
For the web application of your management interface you must enter the name of your administration folder.
ex. If you named your admin folder as "MyAdminFolder", enter " /MyAdminFolder/ " here.
Without the spaces.
Important ! If you change the name of your admin folder as described here,
you will have to come back here and re-create your web application.
Image for your web application :
Click this button to choose an image from your device.
Note: The minimum image format required for the web application is 512x512 pixels.
Click "Save" to save your web application settings.
Important ! Before testing your new web application,
empty your browser's cache and reconnect if you are on your management interface.
IP rejected : ( See in video )
A user can only make 10 purchases per day from the app or they can only void a sale 10 times or a mix of the two actions.
Beyond these 10 actions, the user's IP address is blocked and he can no longer buy on the site.
In this tab you may find IP addresses that have been blocked by the application.
You will know which IP address was blocked and what date and time it was blocked.
Note: IP addresses may vary over time, remember to delete entries that have become old from the list.
Without doing this you could penalize an innocent user.
Click the "Remove from the list" button to remove an IP address from the list of blocked IP addresses.
Update : ( See in video )
The update tab allows you to automatically update your application.
At the top of this page you will find the version number you are using,
the date of the last update performed and an alert message telling you to save your application before performing any update.
To back up your app, connect to your server and upload all of your app's files and folders.
If a problem occurs during an update, you can re-import your entire application from this copy.
Make backups, it is absolutely essential.
First of all, check the available updates by clicking on the "Check for update" button.
Don't worry, this doesn't update your app.
You should see three lists appear :
1/ The list of available versions to install.
You can go back to an earlier version but we advise you to always update to the latest version available.
2/ The list of translations that you can install or update for your management interface.
3/ The list of translations that you can install or update for the public part of your site.
A message will tell you if your application is up to date or not.
To update your application with a specific version click on "Install this version" and wait until the confirmation message.
You will then be disconnected from your administration interface and you will have to reconnect to benefit from the update.
The "Customize update" button
Reveals a field where you can enter the paths of files not to be updated.
Placido-Shop does not update certain application files and folders such as the product images folder or the CSS/shop.css style file.
To display the list of files not updated by default by the application,
click on "See the list of files and folders not updated by default".
This will return you the exact list of files not updated by default,
that is exactly the same list we use to make the update file.
To not update a specific file or folder,
enter its full path as
ex. CSS/api.css
if you don't want the file located in CSS > api.css to be updated.
For files located in your management folder, enter the path as ex. If you have renamed your admin folder as MyAdminFolder and you want to extract the file MyAdminFolder > CSS > api.css from the update enter : MyAdminFolder/CSS/api.css
If you want to output a complete update file, enter :
ex. MyAdminFolder/CSS,
to not update all the style files of your management interface.
You can modify the list of files and folders that you do not wish to update at any time.
This feature allows you to create your own version of Placido-Shop, while retaining the ability to update certain parts of your site.
See the site :
In the menu on the left of your management interface,
at the very bottom you have a button "See the site" which allows you to open the public part of your site in a new tab.
This is handy for checking your changes with a click.