All the features of Placido-Shop
Placido-Shop has some pretty cool features:
One step payment without registration
The payment step is crucial when selling online.
The payment experience should be as smooth as possible for your customers.
With Placido-Shop, payment is made on a single page, with a simple form and without requesting registration on the website.
Selling online must be fast.
If your customer has a good sales experience, then they will come back.
Of course you will still have access to your customer's data, from your management interface and your customer will have access to the status of his sale, "Paid", "In process", "Shipped".
Highly secure payment system by Stripe
Always in the spirit of facilitating payment ergonomics,
we have chosen Stripe as the payment system.
It allows a great customization of the form provided for the bank card.
It accepts payments in 3D Secure (double validation), and most currencies in the world.
Payment is highly secure ("https" protocol will be required on your site),
it detects fraud, insufficient funds, etc ...
Signing up for Stripe is free, simply, Stripe takes a commission on each payment.
To learn more about this, see the Stripe website, by registering there, you will have access to test keys (character strings) with which you can quietly test payments by credit card on your shop.
Optimized for SEO
Placido-Shop is optimized for natural referencing.
The html5 semantics are respected.
We have integrated tags to facilitate the natural referencing of your online store.
All links are accessible by http request, whether it is the pages of your products, a category, or the static pages of your website.
Everything is ready so that you can easily paste an address of your site in a social network,
the application will return a title, a description, an image, or your logo depending on the context.
The application manages your sitemap file dynamically.
Infinite menu and submenus
Did you dream of it?
We did it !
The application exploits the concept of interval representation of trees.
For your categories, you can create as many menus and sub-menus as you want.
You can move entire blocks of categories and sub-categories to another, change their order, rename them...
It's a very powerful filing system.
An intuitive and easy-to-use management interface
The management interface is quick and easy to use.
It includes many services such as detailed statistics of your site, the means to contact your customers directly by e-mail, to generate invoices automatically or to print them.
It is highly secure and you can configure a lot of things there.
Rewriting your product images
In order to optimize the loading of your pages,
the application rewrites the product images in a smaller and more compressed format.
You can change these settings.
It also saves downloading a large volume of data when consulting your store from a mobile for example.
It's not worth sending a 2000x2000 pixels image to a 580 pixels screen.
The application also includes a lazy image loading system,
here too we avoid downloading useless data, which is what makes Placido-Shop so fast (but not only!).
Placido-Shop is highly secure
We obtained a grade of A+ and a score of 120/100 during our last application security audit on
the Mozilla Observatory site.
The application natively integrates a content security policy (CSP).
It includes a system of rejecting IP addresses with suspicious behavior.
Too many messages or purchase attempts cause the IP address of a potential attacker to be banned.
The data exchanged with the server is strictly controlled,
we have particularly focused on safety.
Invoices in legal format and in your image
We have ensured that the application produces invoices that comply with legal standards and that can be configured in your image.
Invoices are incrementally numbered and dated.
It includes a "Legal notice" field that you can edit.
Invoices already created can only be edited for credit notes.
At any time, you can send an invoice to your customer, whether to remind him or to notify him of a credit note.
Invoices are printable in A4 format.
Placido-Shop is easily configurable
To create your own design, nothing could be simpler, just edit the CSS/shop.css
In this file you can also override the CSS directives of lower priority files such as CSS/api.css
or CSS/single_product.css
The shop.css file is never updated by the application, it preserves your own styles.
We didn't consider it necessary to go through style compilers such as SASS or SCSS, but nothing prevents you from doing so.
See: Learn more about how to modify style and colors.
Configurable and disengageable slideshow
Place the products you want to highlight here.
At any time you can modify the list and the order of these products.
The slideshow can be displayed or not.
Variables such as automatic scrolling, scrolling speed and pause time between each image can be configured.
Ready for responsive design
Placido-Shop adapts to different devices such as mobiles and tablets.
The application is "responsive-design".
The management interface is also, you can manage your online store from your mobile, from anywhere in the world.
Your online store as a native app
Thanks to the new technology of progressive web applications (PWA)
allow your customers to install your store as a native application.
This allows you to "turn" your online store into a mobile app.
On desktop computers, the application installs as a program.
Your online store will be accessible in one click on all devices.
Your management interface can also be installed as an application.
Creation of static pages
You can create static pages to communicate more information to your customers.
This can be handy for editing your terms of sale or posting articles like a blog.
The creation of static pages is automatic, you can modify their title and their urls but you will have to use a code editor to edit the HTML content.
Our tests with different code editors did not convince us to install one in the application, the product code was too "dirty", this may come with time.
Several means of payment
The application is configured to allow payment by credit card but
you can also allow your customers to buy by other means of payment such as bank checks, SEPA transfer or other.
Open-Source, easily customizable
Placido-Shop is a basic online sales program, it can be easily configured to suit your needs.
The code is simple to understand, it is widely commented, you can easily modify it.
A system of modules will allow you to add new functionalities, this is more detailed in the documentation.
Placido-Shop is "Open-Source" under the GNU AGPL license.
You can copy, modify or resell it, however you must make its source code accessible to everyone and under the same conditions.
We ask for an annual contribution of a minimum amount of 5€/$ per year and per site which actually receives income thanks to the application.
We hope this will fund the future development of the app as well as its maintenance.
There are so many things we would like to add to Placido-Shop!
Learn more about: Why do I need to acquire a license ?
In order to support our work, you can contribute to the improvement of the code,
or becoming official sponsor of Placido-Shop.
Any support is welcome!
Many other settings
The application comes with many settings such as:
- Editing the title and description of your online store, which can be displayed by search engines (in the end, they are the ones who decide)
- The modification of the domain name of your online store.
- The number of articles presented per page.
- International language and currency settings.
- The possibility of modifying at any time the name of the folder of your management (and therefore its access).
- A code compressor is integrated into the application:
It brings together all your CSS and JS files in a single file.
- An internal messaging system allows you to communicate with your customers with personalized emails.
- The application can be used in catalog mode if you simply want to present your products.